Three Decades of Excellence

Microbial Insights is a renowned biotechnology laboratory with over 30 years of expertise in microbial diagnostics. They specialize in Molecular Biological Tools (MBTs) that offer precise insights into microbial communities.

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  • Microbial Insights' tools deliver comprehensive, direct, and accurate insights into microbial communities—providing the actionable data you need for confident site management decisions.

    View Remediation Services 
  • Microbial Insights' laboratory is committed to preserving water quality with genetic targets to rapidly identify sources of contamination such as bovine, Canadian goose, dog, or

    View Source Tracking Services 
  • We offer cutting-edge technologies which provide data you need to protect the investments and technology that are imperative to your industry.

    View Corrosion Services 

Molecular tools are transforming the mining industry by offering innovative solutions to some of its most pressing challenges. By leveraging advanced biological and genetic techniques, these tools enhance the efficiency, sustainability, and environmental responsibility of mining operations in a cost-effective manner. This handout explores the application of molecular tools
in three key areas: acid mine drainage, bioleaching and rare earth element (REE) recovery, and bioprospecting.

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Microbial Insights Made Easy

Getting Started with Microbial Insights

Step 1. Pick your toolset

Our Quick Reference Tool can help break down which Molecular Biological Tools (MBTs) are applicable for your industry or problem. Use this Quick Reference to aid in project planning, to identify the ideal MBTs for different stages of your strategy, and to learn the different ways that our analyses will bring value to your work.

For guidance specific to your current needs, our Project Success team can walk you through the most cost-effective tool or combination of tools to accomplish your goals.

Step 2. Ordering sampling supplies

When you’re ready to move forward with your sampling event, place an order by contacting Customer Service Team. Supplies are shipped according to your schedule, and our team will handle organizing those supplies based on the number of samples and types of analyses requested – you won’t need to provide any additional information.

Step 3. Sampling event

While sampling events are handled by your staff, Microbial Insights provides detailed protocols to ensure that you receive quality results. Guidance is provided for both the Sample Collection and Return Shipping. These protocols ensure that anyone following their instructions can be confident that their sample will provide reliable, actionable data.

NOTE: Return samples will be shipped within Australia to AGRF (Australian Genome Research Facility), a genomics laboratory in Australia and the designated partner laboratory for Microbial Insights.

Step 4. Reporting

Reports and any associated data will be delivered to you via email, hard copy, or both, depending on your needs.

To help you plan how best to incorporate your Microbiological Data into your project schedule, please see the below for Reporting Turnaround Times.

CENSUS: 7-10 Days
QuantArray-Chlor: 10-14 Days
QuantArray-Petro: 10-14 Days
QuantArray-NSZD: 10-14 Daays
QuantArray-BGC: 21 Days
QuantArray-MIC: 21 Days
Next Generation Sequencing: 30-45 Days
Phospholipid Fatty Acid Analysis: 20-30 Days
Stable Isotope Probing: 45-60 Days
In-Situ Microcosms: 45-60 Days
Abiotic Panel: 25-30 Days
Acidity: 14 Days
Magnetic Susceptibillity: 5-7 Days

Step 5. Microbial Insights Database

The MI Database database is free of charge and accessible to all clients who use our qPCR-based services. Use this unequaled database to add additional context and insights to your results.  Access is granted as soon as data is populated for your first project and remains accessible indefinitely at no additional cost.

Collection: Molecular Biological Tools (MBTs)

Microbial Insights Represented in Australia by Site Investigation Supply

We provide advanced molecular biological tools (MBTs) through our partnership with Microbial Insights (MI) for industries such as remediation, mining, waste management, water treatment, corrosion prevention, oil and gas, and agriculture. MI specializes in environmental remediation, microbial source tracking, biodegradation analysis, and sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) detection to help clients optimize their environmental investigations and treatment strategies.

Industries We Support

Benefits of Molecular Biological Tools (MBTs) for Remediation

There are many options for remedial strategies including monitored natural attenuation (MNA), biostimulation, bioaugmentation, chemical oxidation/reduction and thermal. All of these processes are impacted by microorganisms. By including an assessment of the microbial population, you can harness the power of these microbes in the subsurface and help lower costs and accelerate remediation efforts.

MI' tools have the ability to give broad based views of site communities, quantify specific targets related to degradation and monitor changes over time. This allows our client to better plan their remediation efforts and evaluate the success of their chosen strategies during all stages of site assessment (initial characterization, remediation strategy implantation/optimization and closure). This ensures peace of mind that the strategy is working, or pivots can be made as conditions change


Since 1992, Microbial Insights has been a trusted partner with environmental consultants, site owners, regulators, and government agencies for their Environmental Remediation testing, analysis, and services. Microbial Insights has extensive expertise and leverages our highly accurate, cost-effective, and informative molecular biological tools (MBTs) to provide the comprehensive data needed to help our clients select and implement effective remediation strategies.

ISSUE: Leaks, spills and historical manufacturing and disposal practices have led to the release of pollutants (chlorinated solvents, petroleum products, etc.) into the environment. Environmental Remediation is performed to destroy, degrade or remove these contaminants from soil, groundwater, and sediments.

IMPACT: Contamination of soil and groundwater + Toxicity and risk of disease + Loss of natural resources including drinking water.

THREATS: Health + Safety + Environmental Consequences.

PATH TO RESOLUTION: Our superior molecular biological tools and data interpretation provide you with the detailed insight you need to make informed management decisions that can impact the environment. Our MBTs provide quantification of specific contaminant degrading microorganisms and functional genes, comprehensive characterization and identification of microbial communities, and conclusive evidence of contaminant degradation. Our expert interpretation is 100% unbiased. Microbial Insights does not sell bioaugmentation cultures or treatment products. We provide the MBTs and reporting that help you make the most informed decisions for your sites, based on the best possible data and analysis.

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Molecular tools are transforming the mining industry by offering innovative solutions to some of its most pressing challenges.  By leveraging advanced biological and genetic techniques, these tools enhance the efficiency, sustainability, and environmental responsibility of mining operations in a cost-effective manner.

MI has been providing unbiased, actionable data to industry for decades and has developed products specifically for industry based on that experience.

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Oil and Gas

We know that the Oil and Gas industry has tremendous complexity due to the size, scale and breadth of its enterprises. This creates a significant number of challenges and opportunities. We know your needs vary from protecting infrastructure, maximizing profit while minimizing cost – from reservoirs through all parts of the supply chain and any cleanup.

MI has been providing unbiased, actionable data to the industry for decades and has developed products specifically for the industry based on that experience.

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Microbial Insights has extensive expertise in environmental microbiology and providing remediation strategies for the agriculture industry. We offer highly accurate, cost-effective, and customizable molecular biological tools (MBTs) to provide the comprehensive data needed to help agri-businesses, consultants, and government agencies make informed and effective agricultural management, environmental assessment, and remediation decisions.

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