Ideal for field use in environmental investigations, Terumo syringes offer a reliable and cost-effective solution for groundwater filtration. Often used in conjunction with manual devices such as bailers, these syringes provide an easy method for filtering groundwater samples in situ.
Available in Luer-lock, catheter tipped, and eccentric tipped options, Terumo syringes can push 50ml at a time through filters, making them suitable for small-volume sampling. These syringes are perfect for low-turbidity samples, where small, low-capacity filters can provide precise results.
In cases of higher turbidity, you may want to pair these syringes with a high-capacity filter, such as the AquaPore Biodegradable Filter Capsule, to ensure efficient and effective filtration. Terumo syringes are the go-to choice for simple, manual filtration without the need for pumps, making them a versatile tool in environmental and geotechnical fieldwork.